You may remember the heat brought by The Legand of Zelda: Breath of Wild in 2017. To memorize the great game, we trace back the whole history of Zelda, and finally found the first release in this series. It is also a great 2D pixel adventure game. We made an reproduction for the initial Zelda game, focusing on the dungeon part in the map. Besides the basic features in the game, we add some extra elements to make it further interesting. Hope you can enjoy.


In Zelda, you will play the role of our protagonist, Link, to break through all harsh brought by the dungeon. Together with Zhengyuan Dong, we develop the reproduction of Zelda of initial version. Never mind the simple UI at top, we have reproduced almost all core features in Zelda.

You can download the game through the link. The package includes two applications, and one of them works on MacOS system and the other on Windows system. The control is quite easy where you can move the character with arrow keys on your keyboard, and following the instruction of UI, you will find out how to use your items.


In this reproduction, we brought back many interesting features and made some adjustion to certain of them. You may remember there is a boomerang weapon in this game, and it can be played with many amazing effects. You will have chance to try it in our game.

In our game, we add the chance getting the bombs, which used to be hard to get in original game. It has great power, and enjoy breaking all enemies away! Besides the bomb, if you have played Zelda series, you may notice that in some cases, Link can attack from far places holding Master Sword, as long as Link has not got hurt. In this game, we reproduce the features of sword attack. It will shoot a sword-like wave until it hit a wall.

Of course, only reproduction will be a bit boring. We also add some hidden level with definitely different mechanism. You can press the number 4 on your keyboard to enter the hidden level. When you woke up, the world becomes totally different, and there are parallel universe at the same space. Link will break through the dungeon shuttling among three worlds. Good luck!

Hope you enjoy this game!