It’s a good taste to experience the game development in 3D world, starting from a ball. In my case, I developed a ball game that require two players to cooperate with each other. There’s no enemy, and no fierce fightings. The only thing players need to do is to calm down and solve the puzzle in the scene peacefully (I hope). Enjoy!


Not too hard to see it’s a co-operation game from the following screenshot. I developed the game in two weeks and grab some assets from unity free store. Thanks to all of them!

Generally, you will need two things: a keyboard and a friend who is willing to play with you. There are five levels in total in this game, and I may produce more in the future. Following the tutorial level, you will get the basic controling and idea of the game. The game will work on both MacOS and Windows system, and feel free to download here!


There are lots of gears in the scene, and no fear, they don’t bite. You may need to find out their mechanism to figure out a path to your final destinition.

Unfortunately, I am not an expert in modeling yet, so the assets are from Unity Asset Store, and I combined some of them togther to make some mechanical-like gears. You may be confused why all things are in the sky. Well never mind, they are just there.

I quite like the progress of designing the levels. It is like making a LEGO, with all prefabs in your pocket. Each prefab serves as a type of gear or mechanism. Combining those gears can give me ideas of designing various levels. For now, there are only five scenes in the game, but certainly there can be more as long as I found some interesting ways to combine gears together.

Scenes will be different from each other, and I hope you can have different experiences solving those puzzles. Hope you can enjoy!